How to combat winter tooth sensitivity.

How to combat winter tooth sensitivity.

Dr Vidisha Tayade, MDS
Winter is here, the time of the year to pull those warmers and enjoy the weather. However a lot of people dislike winter as it causes teeth sensitivity and pain. There are a lot of reasons which cause teeth sensitivity, but being exposed to cold weather peaks it.

To give a little idea about what exactly happens, let me tell you teeth are the hardest structure in the human body however, they are porous and sensitive in nature. They are able to endure the cold with little to no irritation on a regular basis. Teeth are used to our normal body temperatures, so when they encounter something hotter or colder while eating and drinking, they can experience issues that may cause great pain or at least mild irritation. When cold air is breathed in through open mouth it causes teeth to undergo contraction thus allowing the air to touch exposed sensitive area around the gum line. After the mouth is being closed teeth undergo expansion. Now these expansion and contraction cycles can actually cause hairline cracks in your teeth which one might never realise and, they show up their ugly heads once exposed to cold temperatures.

Oftentimes, people tend to clench/ tap their jaw while tensing up trying to stay warm in the cold weather, causing cracks in the jaw and teeth erosion issues that may emanate tooth pain as well.
There are few simple ways to strengthen your teeth, to pass the winter with sensitive and pain free teeth.

Breathe through your nose:
When you close your mouth and cover your teeth with your lips it gets your saliva circulating within the mouth thus teeth are not exposed to extreme temperature changes

· Using a Straw:
When you are drinking something hot or cold a straw helps in preventing direct contact of the liquid and the teeth. We always wait for the temperature of the drink to normalise to facilitate the use of straw thus reducing the tooth contact

· Do not over brush your teeth:
Over brushing results in losing the protective tooth enamel causing serious teeth problem. It is advised to use less abrasive tooth paste and soft tooth brush.

Prevent dryness of mouth:
Winters often causes cold and stuffed nose leading to mouth breathing. However excessive mouth breathing causes dryness of mouth and increases the risk of tooth decays and infections. Also caffeine acts as diuretics and causes your body to loose water, limiting the caffeine intake helps in retaining water in the body. To prevent these problems, we recommend you drink plenty of water regularly and also chew sugar free gum so that your mouth will stay moist.

· Do a fluoride treatment:
Use of fluoride gels /rinses strength your teeth and enamel. They also protect your teeth from other possible problems. When teeth are covered with fluoride the nerves inside your teeth are protected.

Visit your dentist:
Exposed roots are often sensitive to cold air and liquids. Roots can be exposed due to gum recession or hard tooth brushing. Dentist can help you by application of certain medicament’s or by prescribing one.

· Replacing old fillings:
Dental fillings are best way to replace a diseased or a broken tooth structure. Over the time these fillings become old and can develop a leakage or a crack breaking the tooth apart.
Hence it is mandatory to see a dentist at regular interval of of 3-6 months to prevent further damage

· Change your toothpaste:
We find innumerable tooth pastes at local stores which help in reducing teeth sensitivity. People often self-prescribe and start using them. However with time teeth become immune to them thus having a side effect or no-effect. Always look for a dentist recommended toothpaste and follow the instructions correctly.

· Make sure your Vitamin D intake is adequate:
Daily dose of Vitamin D is crucial for our teeth, bone and health. The sunlight helps our body to produce vitamin D. However, during winter when you don’t get enough sunlight exposure, you may need to add meals that are rich of vitamin D to your diet like fortified cereals and fatty fish.

Reduce acid and sugar intake:
Sugar and acidic drinks causes softening of enamel causing teeth decay & erosion and thus leading to sensitivity and pain. We therefore strongly suggest you to reduce the intake of candies, soda, wine and similar beverages to maintain optimal health of the teeth. Also keep in mind it softens your enamel, you should NOT brush your teeth right after you eat or drink anything acidic.
Consulting a dentist is the first thing we do when the tooth is in pain, however a regular follow up can let you enjoy the winters in a happier and healthier way.


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